Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fun in the Summer Sun

Here is a random compilation of pictures from some summer fun we've been having!  The kids are absolutely ADDICTED to being outside and I'm not complaining.  Mia has been doing some summer camps through the Y, both kids have library story-time and playgroups, but when we're not at those activities you can find them in our yard, playing hard with all of the neighbor kids!  Our street is teaming with kids day and night, which is just so awesome.  Makes me never want to move!!

G'ma Heinrich scored on this free water table & the kids love it!

Mia's buddy Kellan's 3rd b-day party

Of course Mia even beat the boys!

Sprinkler fun!

A little pool time with Mavy Inman, Mia's newest little boyfriend

My fearless boy can scale this rock wall in about 2 seconds

 ...and then cruise down the slide

Mia & the new little neighbor girl Lillie

Big boy chowing down at a Mom's Club breakfast in the park

The Saturday night lemonade stand with our neighbors, which turned into a cocktail party for the parents!

A little Starbucks cake pop to get the day going!

My little helpers at the Lowe's garden center

Sam's playgroup cookout at our house

Trying to beat the heat at the Waukee Ice Cream Shoppe

Fun times at the Ashby Park Wading Pool

1 comment:

  1. Mia's hair is so long! Really makes her look different! And Sam's is so light!
