Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chicago 4th of July

We had a super festive 4th of July weekend in Chi-town - going to the Farmer's Market, Wagoner Farm, Wilmette Beach on Lake Michigan, the splash pad & an outdoor band concert!  On the 4th, we attended the Glenview parade and had a cookout with the Anetsberger's.  It is so fun having Jim, Katie & the girls living so close to my parents now!  Lots of opportunity to hang out which is awesome.  Nate and I got to escape over to their house for a night out and go to the Cubs/Sox game, sans kids - thanks Dad!  So fun!  We also got to swing by the Heinrich's on the way home and visit with Aunt Noelle who was in town from D.C.  So good to see her!
Glenview Farmer's Market


Wagoner Farms

Fun at the beach!

Roots Pizza (QC style pizza in the heart of Chicago)!

An early morning playdate with Reese & Sarah

Go Cubs!

Now that's how you eat a Chicago dog!

Ernie Banks did the 7th inning stretch

Glenview Parade

I think the candy was eaten as soon as she caught it!

The Jesse White Tumblers

4th of July cookout with the Anetsbergers

Daddy pretty proud of his fireworks that he scored in MO earlier in the week!

Splash Pad fun

The Tuesday night band concert at the Glen

Mia was a dancing machine & at one point pulled her dress up to her chest to really shimmy.  She gave the audience quite a show!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, guys! Look at "baby" sam! he shed his brown hair :O you guys all look great. XO priscila
